My Home Birth Experience
Every woman’s body, pregnancy, labor and delivery is different and should be treated accordingly! If you are high risk or in need of emergency services please go to a doctor.
When my husband and I decided to have home births everyone seemed to crawl out of the wood works with “horror” stories of someone they either knew or had heard about and their home birth going wrong. When I would bring up a similar scenario happening in the hospital they tried to shut me down by saying “it’s less often in the hospital”. I do understand that hospitals are needed in high risk or emergencies but sadly anymore more and more women are being subjected to traumatic births due to the doctors refusal to treat each birth like it is different than the last and not always an emergency. They push medical intervention like it is absolutely needed in every situation. The more I talk to women who had low risk pregnancies and traumatic deliveries the less my desire is to go unless absolutely needed. Before we switched at 36 weeks from an ob to a midwife when ever I would ask questions the doctor would brush me off or act like my questions were an inconvenience. When we made the switch the midwife made me feel like there wasn’t a question I could ask that was dumb or an inconvenience to her. She took the time to hear all of my worries and concerns and gave me tips on how to make my labor easier on myself and how to push in a way that limited tearing (with three births so far I’ve had a “scratch”)….both things my ob kept brushing off and telling me she’d help me figure out in the moment. Every-time a test or shot was requested my midwife would explain ALL of the pros and cons and didn’t give/push her opinion unless I asked…. again something the ob didn’t do. She told me I had to and when I asked for information she acted less than impressed. If I made a decisions that she didn’t agree with she made me feel like a terrible person and tried to manipulate my decision by guilt tripping. To the point my husband who was not open to a home birth at the beginning of our pregnancy was very much open by the time we switched.
Is my experience everyone’s?
No but again the more I talk with other beautiful mamas the more I hear of similar situations but they felt stuck or didn’t have the readily available information on home births that I did! I feel blessed beyond measures that God surrounded me with women that encouraged me to trust my body and to explore the option of home births….with out them who knows if I would be where I am today with beautifully different stories of how amazing my body is and how incredibly strong God made it.
I write this for those mommas out there that maybe like me are frustrated with the “service” hospitals provide for those of us that do not need medical intervention.
I want you beautiful lady to know that you DO HAVE options💛
Veteran homebirth mammas…. What is one thing you are thankful for surrounding your homebirth?!
If you are looking for a midwife in the Albany/Lebanon/Eugene area I highly recommend Elizabeth Baer with MidValley Birthing Services!!
If you are in Worland, Wyoming Amy Willard Borrelli is the person you need!! Both women are skilled, dedicated, and passionate about what they do and empower you to do what you may think is the impossible!